Are you ready for your fist day in school?
Some children are excited about their first day of school and some children are a very nervous about it. It is a whole new experience for them, they are being introduced into an entirely new environment. Parents should try their best to have their child see that this experience is one that they will enjoy and that there is really nothing to feel nervous about.
First, a parent should be encouraging their child to read more than watching TV. Get the child familiar with their alphabet and the numbers so that when they go into school they will not feel uncomfortable or behind; instead, they will feel smart and confident.
Second, Shop for school clothes and supplies TOGETHER with your kid. This will make them feel like they have choice and they will also look forward to dressing up in their nice clothes and using their new supplies.It's very important. Help them put everything they need together for the next day (clothes and school stuff). Then, when dropping the kid off at school, don't stay to long (don't cry and don't kiss your baby to death). Children will react better when their parents let them explore their new environment on their own. They will feel like a "big kid" and it will also give them the chance to interact with the other children in their class.
And finally, Congratulations!!!!!!!!
posted by Mila at 11:17 PM | Permalink | 0 comments